Marianne Stüve, Nürnberg/Germany (MStü)
Art commissioner for PONTE CULTURA
Sarah Wood, St. Quentin la Poterie/South France (SW)
MStü: how did you come to art, Sarah? – what was the beginning?
SW: I have always made art, for as long as I can remember; I was always drawing and painting as a child, and I knew that was what I wanted to do, and so I went to art school when I was 16. I did a foundation course first, using all disciplines; painting, sculpture, photo, ceramics, printing, design,etc. Then I did a 3 year degree course in the south of England, specialising in painting.
MStü: when did you move definitely from England to France?
SW:I moved to France in 1987
MStü: How did you get in touch with Ponte Cultura International Art association, which were spezialised in Brazil?
SW: I first heard of Ponte Cultura through an English friend John who was also living in the south of France. He was part of the group and had been to Brazil with them. I was very interested in the Brazilian projects, and John introduced me to Marianne and Peter, and so I went on the next Brazilian trip to Belem in 2001.
which created some firm and lasting friendships with some of the Brazilian artists!!
MStü:Are there any important personal events for you as an artist through the Ponte Cultura contact?
SW: One big success I had through Ponte Cultura was taking part in the „Agua“ exhibition at Dragão do Mar, Cultural Centre in Fortaleza (Br,) and the director asking to keep my painting in their collection.
As well in 2019, again in the region of Belèm (Icoarací), I was invited to paint an outdoor big canvas, showing an indian woman who fought fort the rights oft he Indians with her music and lyrics. This canvas was showed around in schools and Cultural Centres oft he region of Belem
MStü: Furthermore, what is your and your husband’s interest in doing with your lives?
SW: I love using my art for volunteer projects, and have painted murals in schools in Sri Lanka, Senegale, and the Seychelles, and illustrative panels for a nature protection society in the Seychelles.
MStü: what are the next Ponte Cultura projects for you?
SW: We are looking fort the tickets to Fortaleza, for november 2022 !
Theme: Hospitality